St. Hannibal

A Charism from the Heart of Jesus

St. Hannibal got so surprised when finally he found the inspiration he already had received during adoration, right in the words of Jesus:
“The harvest is great, but the laborers are few! Pray (in latin Rogate) therefore the owner of the harvest, so that he will send laborers into his harvest” (Mt. 9, 37-38; Lk 10,2).

St. Hannibal

Prayer for holy vocations

While still very young, St. Hannibal had the intuition by divine inspiration on the importance of prayer in the pastoral care for vocations, even before discovering its origin from the Gospel. 

St. Hannibal

The meeting with Zancone

As a young priest, St. Hannibal met Zancone, a young beggar, half blind, and asked him “Do you know the things of God?”. He answered: “And who will teach that to me?”. St. Hannibal said: “I’ll be visiting you”. Zancone lived in Avignone, a very poor area, and from that time on, St. Hannibal started going there continuously.


PR3: USA, Vocations Promotion

The mission of the Rogationists in the Rogate Center is to promote vocations through activities and publications of various kinds, but especially through “Vocations and Prayer” magazine.